💡 These are guidelines for team members who have signed an Independent Contractor agreement at Publitas (full-time and hourly).
What does being an independent contractor mean?
- Congratulations, you have consciously chosen entrepreneurship. Being an independent contractor for Publitas means you provide services to Publitas B.V.
- Regardless of the type of contract, employment or contractor, we treat you as a team member to get work done smoothly. This means we treat you at the same level of engagement and involvement (transparency, personal development, meetings and reporting structure, etc.) while respecting your independence.
- This means crucial differences between you and employees include paid time off and leave policies, independence, and responsibilities towards your self-employment (e.g. regarding your social security contributions, etc.).
What do I need to take care of myself?
This must be done before you start with Publitas
- Ensuring you are compliant as a sole proprietor or are registered as a business in your country.
- Ensure you have the minimum required insurance in your country to cover you in case of any life changes, medical, and in case of other emergencies.
- A possible scenario is if you are planning to start a family shortly, then ensure you have insurance to cover you during your absence at work.
This must be done during your time at Publitas
- Filing your financial reports, taxes, and tax returns (can vary per country).
- Invoicing Publitas every month and tracking your payments and expenses (See: ‣)
What are some best practices?