Being a globally distributed team in 20+ countries, we offer the option to hire team members with their local jurisdiction using an Employer of Record solution.
What is an Employer of Record?
- An Employer of Record (EoR) is a service provider that helps us hire in foreign countries where we do not have a local entity.
- At Publitas, our Employer of Record provider is **Native teams.** Check out the available countries here!
- An EoR has a local entity and resources in the relevant countries and provides the service of employing and complying with local labour laws, payroll and taxes.



EoR’s Roles and Responsibilities
The EoR is the legal employer, while Publitas is the managing employer, looking after the day-to-day management of the team members.
In other words, Publitas decides who to hire, how to compensate, what work to perform and when to terminate. The EoR is the HR service responsible for compliance with local laws in the countries where our team member lives and work.
EoR is responsible for:
- Employment contract and compliance
- Adhering to local labour laws
- Advice on required notice periods and termination rules
- Country-compliant payroll and taxes
- Payment of salaries, taxes and social security
- Benefits (e.g., statutory ones such as holidays, maternity leave, etc.)
What is the difference between being a Contractor and an Employee?
- As a contractor, the working relationship is that you provide services to Publitas and are not directly employed. You are responsible for your employment insurance, taxes and compliance in your specified country.
- As an employee, you will be on the payroll of the EoR and have access to social security benefits depending on your country’s labour laws. See the resources below and find your country to check out the labour laws and cost calculators for your country.
Resources to learn more:
What Is an Employer of Record (EOR)?
Employer of Record | 100% Compliant and Global Payroll
Country Explorer: Employment Guides for Every Country
Global hiring guides | How to hire employees anywhere | Oyster®